1. Ee, J. & Chang, A. (2015). Preparing youths for the workplace. Singapore: World Scientific.
2. Ee, J. (2012). Infusing thinking and social emotional competencies in children and youths. Singapore:
Pearson Education Asia.
2. Ee, J., Tan, O. S. (2009). PBL made simple: Lessons for the classroom. Singapore: Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd.
3. Ee, J. (2009). Empowering metacognition and self-regulation through social-emotional learning: Lessons for the Classroom. Singapore: Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd.
4. Tan, O.S., Ee, J., Lee, Y. P., Lam, K. (2007). Teach less, learn more (TLLM) School-based currículum innovation: Research Reports 2007. Singapore: Ministry of Education.
5. Ee. J., Chang, A., Tan, O. S. (2004). Thinking aboutthink ing:
What educators need to know. Singapore: Mc-Graw Hill Education.
6. Ee, J., Kaur, B., Lee, N. H., Yeap, B. H. (2001). New "Literacies": Educational response to a knowledge-based society, Vol. I, II and III, Singapore: Educational Research Association - Association of Mathematics Education.
Book Chapters:1. Ee, J. & Chang, A. (2015). Preparing youths for the workplace. Singapore: World Scientific.
2. Ee, J., Tan, O. S. (2009). PBL made simple: Lessons for the classroom. Singapore: Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd.
3. Ee, J. (2009). Empowering metacognition and self-regulation through social-emotional learning: Lessons for the Classroom. Singapore: Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd.
4. Tan, O.S., Ee, J., Lee, Y. P., Lam, K. (2007). Teach less, learn more (TLLM) School-based currículum innovation: Research Reports 2007. Singapore: Ministry of Education.
5. Ee. J., Chang, A., Tan, O. S. (2004). Thinking about
6. Ee, J., Kaur, B., Lee, N. H., Yeap, B. H. (2001). New "Literacies": Educational response to a knowledge-based society, Vol. I, II and III, Singapore: Educational Research Association - Association of Mathematics Education.
1. Ee, J. (2015). Understanding myself through
self-awareness. In Ee, J. & Chang,
A. (Eds), Preparing youths for the
workplace. Singapore: World
Scientific. Chapter 3, 37-44.
2. Ee, J. (2015). Managing and regulating emotions. In Ee, J. & Chang, A. (Eds), Preparing youths for the workplace. Singapore: World Scientific. Chapter 4, 45-56.
3. Ee, J. (2015). Developing and promoting social awareness. In Ee, J. & Chang, A. (Eds), Preparing youths for the workplace. Singapore: World Scientific. Chapter 5, 57-64.
4. Ee, J. (2015). Relationship management. In Ee, J. & Chang, A. (Eds), Preparing youths for the workplace. Singapore: World Scientific. Chapter 6, 65-75.
5. Ee, J. (2015). Making responsible decisions. In Ee, J. & Chang, A. (Eds), Preparing youths for the workplace. Singapore: World Scientific. Chapter 7, 77-87.
6. Ee, J. (2012). Facilitating values and character development in children. In Ee, J. (Ed), Infusing Thinking and Social Emotional Learning in Children and Youths. Singapore: Pearson Education Asia. Part 1, Chapter 2, 13-17.
7. Ee, J. (2012). Enhancing children’s self-management of their emotions and behaviours. In Ee, J. (Ed), Infusing Thinking and Social Emotional Learning in Children & Youths. Singapore: Pearson Education Asia. Part 1, Chapter 3, 18-25.
8. Ee, J. (2012). Websites for enhancing social emotional learning. In Ee, J. (Ed), Infusing Thinking and Social Emotional Learning in Children andYouths. Singapore: Pearson Education Asia. Part 1, Chapter 6, 44-48.
9. Chang, A and Ee, J. (2009). Facilitating ideas for PBL. In Ee, J. and Tan, O. S. (Eds), PBL made simple: Lessons for the classroom. Cengage Learning Pte Ltd. Chapter 2, 13-22.
10. Chye, C.Y. S. and Ee, J. (2009). Enhancing the PBL experience through cognitive coaching. In Ee, J. and Tan, O. S. (Eds), PBL made simple: Lessons for the classroom. Cengage Learning Pte Ltd. Chapter 3, 23-38.
11. Ee, J. (2009). Strategies for empowering metacognition through SEL. In Ee, J. (Ed), Empowering metacognition through SEL: Lessons for the classroom. Singapore: Cengage Learning Pte Ltd. Chapter 1, 3-24.
12. . Ee, J. and Chang, A. (2009). Modelling of SEL Competencies. In Ee, J. (Ed), Empowering metacognition through SEL: Lessons for the classroom. Singapore: Cengage Learning Pte Ltd. Chapter 2, 25-34.
13. Ee, J. and Tan, O. S. (2009). Facilitating problem-solving processes for adaptors and innovators. In Tan, O.S. (ed.), Problem-Based Learning and Creativity. Singapore: Cengage Learning Pte Ltd. Chapter 3, 39-50.
14. Rostiany, Dewi Amri and Ee, J. (2009). Conserving Electricity. In Ee, J. and Tan, O. S. (Eds), PBL made simple: Lessons for the classroom. Cengage Learning Pte Ltd. Chapter 8, 113-126.
15. Wong, I., Ee, J., Lui, W. C., Liau, K. F. A., Lim, K. M. and Huan, V. (2009). PBL for teacher trainees in psychology. In Ee, J. and Tan, O. S. (Eds), PBL made simple: Lessons for the classroom. Cengage Learning Pte Ltd. Chapter 18, 282-296.
16. Koh, C., Wang, C.K.J., Tan, O.S., Ee, J. and Liu, W.C. (2008). Effective practices in group project work: Exploring the views of students and teachers. In McInerney, D.M. and Liem, A.D. (Eds.), Teaching and Learning: International best practice, Vol. 8 in Research on sociocultural influences on motivation and learning. Charlotte, NC.: Information Age Publishing, Inc. Chapter 9, 223-244.
17. Liu, W. C., Tan, O. S., Wang, C. K. J., Koh, C. and Ee, J. (2007). Motivation in the context of project work: The self-determination perspective. In D. M. McInerney, S. Van Etten and M. Dowson (Eds), Research on Sociocultural Influences on Motivation and Learning: Standards in education (Vol 7). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing. Chapter 9, 189-213.
18. Ee, J., Lee O. K. and Potter, G. (2004). Teachers’ understanding and practices of strategy-based instruction and goal orientations for students’ self-regulation: Findings across cultures. In Ee, J., Chang, A. & Tan, O. S. (Eds.), Thinking about thinking: What educators need to know. Singapore: Mc-Graw Hill Education, Chapter 6, 108-141.
19. Ee, J. and Moore, P. J. (2004). Motivation, strategies and achievement: A comparison of teachers and students in high, average and low achieving classes. In Ee, J., Chang, A. and Tan, O. S. (Eds.), Thinking about thinking: What educators need to know. Singapore: Mc-Graw Hill Education, Chapter 7, 142-160.
20.. Ee, J., Tan, O. S. and Lim, L. (2004). Students with Intellectual Disabilities. In Lim, L. and Quah, M. L. (Eds.) Education with Diverse Abilities in Singapore. Singapore: Mc-Graw Education., Chapter 13, 317-344.
21. Montague, M. and Ee, J. (2004). Self-regulation and adolescents with ADHD. In Ee, J., Chang, A. and Tan, O. S. (Eds.), Thinking about thinking: What educators need to know. Singapore: Mc-Graw Hill Education, Chapter14, 311-329.
22. Tan, O. S and Ee, J. (2004). Reflective practice and self-regulation: Walking the talk through problem-based learning in teacher education. In Ee, J., Chang, A. and Tan, O. S. (Eds.), Thinking about thinking: What educators need to know. Singapore: Mc-Graw Hill Education, Chapter 8, 163-180.
23. Tan, O. S and Ee, J. (2004). Project Work through problem-based Learning approach In Ho, B.T., Netto-Shek, J., and Chang, A. (Eds.), Project Work Management for Primary and Secondary Teachers: Issues and Innovative
Practices. Singapore: Pearson Ed. Asia Pte. Ltd. Chapter 16, 174-184.
24. Ee, J. (2000). How teachers relate to high-achieving students in Loo, S. P. (Ed.) Educational Challenges in the New Millennium, 213-223.
2. Ee, J. (2015). Managing and regulating emotions. In Ee, J. & Chang, A. (Eds), Preparing youths for the workplace. Singapore: World Scientific. Chapter 4, 45-56.
3. Ee, J. (2015). Developing and promoting social awareness. In Ee, J. & Chang, A. (Eds), Preparing youths for the workplace. Singapore: World Scientific. Chapter 5, 57-64.
4. Ee, J. (2015). Relationship management. In Ee, J. & Chang, A. (Eds), Preparing youths for the workplace. Singapore: World Scientific. Chapter 6, 65-75.
5. Ee, J. (2015). Making responsible decisions. In Ee, J. & Chang, A. (Eds), Preparing youths for the workplace. Singapore: World Scientific. Chapter 7, 77-87.
6. Ee, J. (2012). Facilitating values and character development in children. In Ee, J. (Ed), Infusing Thinking and Social Emotional Learning in Children and Youths. Singapore: Pearson Education Asia. Part 1, Chapter 2, 13-17.
7. Ee, J. (2012). Enhancing children’s self-management of their emotions and behaviours. In Ee, J. (Ed), Infusing Thinking and Social Emotional Learning in Children & Youths. Singapore: Pearson Education Asia. Part 1, Chapter 3, 18-25.
8. Ee, J. (2012). Websites for enhancing social emotional learning. In Ee, J. (Ed), Infusing Thinking and Social Emotional Learning in Children andYouths. Singapore: Pearson Education Asia. Part 1, Chapter 6, 44-48.
9. Chang, A and Ee, J. (2009). Facilitating ideas for PBL. In Ee, J. and Tan, O. S. (Eds), PBL made simple: Lessons for the classroom. Cengage Learning Pte Ltd. Chapter 2, 13-22.
10. Chye, C.Y. S. and Ee, J. (2009). Enhancing the PBL experience through cognitive coaching. In Ee, J. and Tan, O. S. (Eds), PBL made simple: Lessons for the classroom. Cengage Learning Pte Ltd. Chapter 3, 23-38.
11. Ee, J. (2009). Strategies for empowering metacognition through SEL. In Ee, J. (Ed), Empowering metacognition through SEL: Lessons for the classroom. Singapore: Cengage Learning Pte Ltd. Chapter 1, 3-24.
12. . Ee, J. and Chang, A. (2009). Modelling of SEL Competencies. In Ee, J. (Ed), Empowering metacognition through SEL: Lessons for the classroom. Singapore: Cengage Learning Pte Ltd. Chapter 2, 25-34.
13. Ee, J. and Tan, O. S. (2009). Facilitating problem-solving processes for adaptors and innovators. In Tan, O.S. (ed.), Problem-Based Learning and Creativity. Singapore: Cengage Learning Pte Ltd. Chapter 3, 39-50.
14. Rostiany, Dewi Amri and Ee, J. (2009). Conserving Electricity. In Ee, J. and Tan, O. S. (Eds), PBL made simple: Lessons for the classroom. Cengage Learning Pte Ltd. Chapter 8, 113-126.
15. Wong, I., Ee, J., Lui, W. C., Liau, K. F. A., Lim, K. M. and Huan, V. (2009). PBL for teacher trainees in psychology. In Ee, J. and Tan, O. S. (Eds), PBL made simple: Lessons for the classroom. Cengage Learning Pte Ltd. Chapter 18, 282-296.
16. Koh, C., Wang, C.K.J., Tan, O.S., Ee, J. and Liu, W.C. (2008). Effective practices in group project work: Exploring the views of students and teachers. In McInerney, D.M. and Liem, A.D. (Eds.), Teaching and Learning: International best practice, Vol. 8 in Research on sociocultural influences on motivation and learning. Charlotte, NC.: Information Age Publishing, Inc. Chapter 9, 223-244.
17. Liu, W. C., Tan, O. S., Wang, C. K. J., Koh, C. and Ee, J. (2007). Motivation in the context of project work: The self-determination perspective. In D. M. McInerney, S. Van Etten and M. Dowson (Eds), Research on Sociocultural Influences on Motivation and Learning: Standards in education (Vol 7). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing. Chapter 9, 189-213.
18. Ee, J., Lee O. K. and Potter, G. (2004). Teachers’ understanding and practices of strategy-based instruction and goal orientations for students’ self-regulation: Findings across cultures. In Ee, J., Chang, A. & Tan, O. S. (Eds.), Thinking about thinking: What educators need to know. Singapore: Mc-Graw Hill Education, Chapter 6, 108-141.
19. Ee, J. and Moore, P. J. (2004). Motivation, strategies and achievement: A comparison of teachers and students in high, average and low achieving classes. In Ee, J., Chang, A. and Tan, O. S. (Eds.), Thinking about thinking: What educators need to know. Singapore: Mc-Graw Hill Education, Chapter 7, 142-160.
20.. Ee, J., Tan, O. S. and Lim, L. (2004). Students with Intellectual Disabilities. In Lim, L. and Quah, M. L. (Eds.) Education with Diverse Abilities in Singapore. Singapore: Mc-Graw Education., Chapter 13, 317-344.
21. Montague, M. and Ee, J. (2004). Self-regulation and adolescents with ADHD. In Ee, J., Chang, A. and Tan, O. S. (Eds.), Thinking about thinking: What educators need to know. Singapore: Mc-Graw Hill Education, Chapter14, 311-329.
22. Tan, O. S and Ee, J. (2004). Reflective practice and self-regulation: Walking the talk through problem-based learning in teacher education. In Ee, J., Chang, A. and Tan, O. S. (Eds.), Thinking about thinking: What educators need to know. Singapore: Mc-Graw Hill Education, Chapter 8, 163-180.
23. Tan, O. S and Ee, J. (2004). Project Work through problem-based Learning approach In Ho, B.T., Netto-Shek, J., and Chang, A. (Eds.), Project Work Management for Pri
24. Ee, J. (2000). How teachers relate to high-achieving students in Loo, S. P. (Ed.) Educational Challenges in the New Millennium, 213-223.
J. (under review). Gender differences
in secondary school children’s social-emotional competencies.
2. Ee, J. (under review). How effective are Secondary Teachers in Infusing Social Emotional Learning and Eliciting Values in their Subject Areas?
3. Quek, L. C. N. and Ee, J. (under review). Development of teachers’ perception of academic resilience scale (TPAR).
4. Zhou, M. M. and Ee, J. (under review). Gender differences in primary school children’s social emotional competence.
5. Ee, J. (2014). Using Defining Issues Test (DIT) to assess Secondary students’ social–emotional competencies. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 15 (2), 247-256.
6. Ee, J. Zhou, M. M. and Wong, I. (2014). Teachers’ infusion of social emotional learning. The Journal of Teaching and Teacher Education, 2(1), 27-45.
7. Ee, J. and Ong, C. W. (2014). Which social emotional competencies are enhanced at an SEL camp? Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 13(1), 1-18.
8. Ee, J. and Quek, L. C. (2013). Teachers’ perception of social emotional learning. The Journal of Teaching and Teacher Education, 1(2), 59-72.
9. Zhou, M. M. and Ee, J. (2012). Development and validation of social emotional competency questionnaire. International Journal of Emotional Education, 4(2), 27-42.
10. Ee, J. and Chang, A. (2010). How resilient are our graduate trainee teachers in Singapore? The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 19(2), 321-331.
11. Ee, J., Wang, J., Koh, C., Tan, O.S. and Liu, W.C. (2009). Goal orientations and metacognitive skills of normal technical and normal academic students on project work.Asia Pacific Education Review , 10(3), 337-344.
12. K oh, C., Tan, O. S., Wang, C. K. J., Ee, J., Liu, W. C. (2009). Bridging the gaps between students’ perceptions of project work and teachers’ expectations. The Journal of Educational Research. 102(5), 333-348.
13. Liu, W. C., Wang, C.K.J., Tan, O.S., Koh, C., Ee, J. (2009). Understanding students’ motivation in project work:
A 2 x 2 achievement goal approach. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 79, 87-106.
14. Liu, W. C., Wang. C. K. J., Tan, O. S., Ee, J., Koh, C. (2009). A self-determination approach to understanding students’ motivation in project work. Learning and Individual Differences, 19, 139-145.
15. Wang, C. K. J., Liu, W. C., Tan, O. S., Ee, J., Koh, C. (2009). Has project work failed? A longitudinal study of project work in Singapore.
16. Ee, J. and Tan, O. S. (2008). Cultural influences of the east and west: Implications on the educational reforms in the Singapore context. Journal of Educational Policy, 5(1), 49-62.
17. Ee, J., Tan, O. S. Ng, A. K. (2008). Styles of Creativity: Adaptors and innovators in a Singapore Context.Asia Pacific Education Review ,
8 (3), 364-373.
18. Wang, C.K.J., Neill, J.T., Liu, W.C., Tan, O.S., Koh,C. and Ee, J. (2008). Project work and life skills: Psychometric properties of the life effectiveness questionnaire for project work. Educational Research Journal, 21(1), 23-41.
19. Ee, J.,O. S. Tan, Ng, A. K. (2007). Examining the psychological attributes of Australian tertiery adaptors & innovators. The Korean Journal of Thinking and Problem Solving, 17(1), 27-39.
20. Koh, C., Tan, O. S., Wang, C. K. J., Ee, J. & Liu, W. C., (2007). Perceptions of low ability students on group project work and cooperative learning.Asia Pacific Education Review , 8(1), 89-99.
21. Ee, J., Wong, K.Y., Pirjo, A. (2006). Numeracy of young children in Singapore, Beijing & Helsinki. Early Childhood Education Journal, 33(5), 325-332.
22. Ee, J. and Soh, K. C. (2005). Teacher perceptions on what a functional curriculum should be for children with special needs. International Journal of Special Education, 20(2), 6-18.
23. Aunio, P., Ee, J., Lim, S. E.A.,Hautamäki, J., Van Luit, J. E.H. (2004). Young children's number sense in Finland, Hong Kong and Singapore. International Journal of Early Years Education, 12(3), 195-216.
24. Cocodia, E. A., Kim, J., Shin, H., Kim,J., Ee, J., Wee, M. S. W., Howard, R. W. (2003). Evidence that rising population intelligence is impacting in formal education. Personality and Individual Differences, 30, 1039-1058.
25. Ee, J., Moore, P. J. Atputhasamy, L. (2003). High-achieving students: Their teachers’ goals and strategy-based instruction and, their goals, self-regulation and achievement. High Ability Studies, 14(1), 23-39.
26. Teo, C. T. and Ee, J. (2003). Attributes and attitudes of primary teachers in Singapore. Teaching and Learning, 24(2), 117-130.
27. Umesh, S., Ee, J. and Desai, I. (2003). A comparison of Australian and Singaporean pre-service teachers’ attitudes and concerns about inclusive education. Teaching and Learning, 24(2), 207-217.
28. Ee, J. and Atputhasamy, L. (2002). Differences in teacher feedback for HA and LD students. Teaching and Learning, 23(1), 1-12.
29. Ee, J. and Wong, K. Y. (2002). Understanding and overcoming pupils learning difficulties in mathematics. Teaching & Learning, 23(1), 49-58.
30. Ee, J., Moore, P. and Atputhasamy, L. (2001). The relationship between teachers’ goal orientations and strategy-based instruction and low-achieving students’ goal orientations, self-regulation and achievement. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education and Development. 4(2), 115-134.
31. Ee, J. and Soh K. C. (2000). Perceptions of Singaporean teachers and parents about inclusive educational placements of students with intellectual disabilities. Saudi Journal of Disability and Rehabilitation (SJDR) Special Issue on Rehabilitation in Singapore, 6(4), 272-275.
32. Ee, J. (1999). Diagnosing students with learning difficulties in mathematics. Journal of Mathematics Educators, 4(1), 97-103.
2. Ee, J. (under review). How effective are Secondary Teachers in Infusing Social Emotional Learning and Eliciting Values in their Subject Areas?
3. Quek, L. C. N. and Ee, J. (under review). Development of teachers’ perception of academic resilience scale (TPAR).
4. Zhou, M. M. and Ee, J. (under review). Gender differences in primary school children’s social emotional competence.
5. Ee, J. (2014). Using Defining Issues Test (DIT) to assess Secondary students’ social–emotional competencies. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 15 (2), 247-256.
6. Ee, J. Zhou, M. M. and Wong, I. (2014). Teachers’ infusion of social emotional learning. The Journal of Teaching and Teacher Education, 2(1), 27-45.
7. Ee, J. and Ong, C. W. (2014). Which social emotional competencies are enhanced at an SEL camp? Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 13(1), 1-18.
8. Ee, J. and Quek, L. C. (2013). Teachers’ perception of social emotional learning. The Journal of Teaching and Teacher Education, 1(2), 59-72.
9. Zhou, M. M. and Ee, J. (2012). Development and validation of social emotional competency questionnaire. International Journal of Emotional Education, 4(2), 27-42.
10. Ee, J. and Chang, A. (2010). How resilient are our graduate trainee teachers in Singapore? The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 19(2), 321-331.
11. Ee, J., Wang, J., Koh, C., Tan, O.S. and Liu, W.C. (2009). Goal orientations and metacognitive skills of normal technical and normal academic students on project work.
12. K oh, C., Tan, O. S., Wang, C. K. J., Ee, J., Liu, W. C. (2009). Bridging the gaps between students’ perceptions of project work and teachers’ expectations. The Journal of Educational Research. 102(5), 333-348.
13. Liu, W. C., Wang, C.K.J., Tan, O.S., Koh, C., Ee, J. (2009). Understanding students’ motivation in project work:
A 2 x 2 achievement goal approach. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 79, 87-106.
14. Liu, W. C., Wang. C. K. J., Tan, O. S., Ee, J., Koh, C. (2009). A self-determination approach to understanding students’ motivation in project work. Learning and Individual Differences, 19, 139-145.
15. Wang, C. K. J., Liu, W. C., Tan, O. S., Ee, J., Koh, C. (2009). Has project work failed? A longitudinal study of project work in Singapore.
16. Ee, J. and Tan, O. S. (2008). Cultural influences of the east and west: Implications on the educational reforms in the Singapore context. Journal of Educational Policy, 5(1), 49-62.
17. Ee, J., Tan, O. S. Ng, A. K. (2008). Styles of Creativity: Adaptors and innovators in a Singapore Context.
18. Wang, C.K.J., Neill, J.T., Liu, W.C., Tan, O.S., Koh,C. and Ee, J. (2008). Project work and life skills: Psychometric properties of the life effectiveness questionnaire for project work. Educational Research Journal, 21(1), 23-41.
19. Ee, J.,O. S. Tan, Ng, A. K. (2007). Examining the psychological attributes of Australian tertiery adaptors & innovators. The Korean Journal of Thinking and Problem Solving, 17(1), 27-39.
20. Koh, C., Tan, O. S., Wang, C. K. J., Ee, J. & Liu, W. C., (2007). Perceptions of low ability students on group project work and cooperative learning.
21. Ee, J., Wong, K.Y., Pirjo, A. (2006). Numeracy of young children in Singapore, Beijing & Helsinki. Early Childhood Education Journal, 33(5), 325-332.
22. Ee, J. and Soh, K. C. (2005). Teacher perceptions on what a functional curriculum should be for children with special needs. International Journal of Special Education, 20(2), 6-18.
23. Aunio, P., Ee, J., Lim, S. E.A.,Hautamäki, J., Van Luit, J. E.H. (2004). Young children's number sense in Finland, Hong Kong and Singapore. International Journal of Early Years Education, 12(3), 195-216.
24. Cocodia, E. A., Kim, J., Shin, H., Kim,J., Ee, J., Wee, M. S. W., Howard, R. W. (2003). Evidence that rising population intelligence is impacting in formal education. Personality and Individual Differences, 30, 1039-1058.
25. Ee, J., Moore, P. J. Atputhasamy, L. (2003). High-achieving students: Their teachers’ goals and strategy-based instruction and, their goals, self-regulation and achievement. High Ability Studies, 14(1), 23-39.
26. Teo, C. T. and Ee, J. (2003). Attributes and attitudes of primary teachers in Singapore. Teaching and Learning, 24(2), 117-130.
27. Umesh, S., Ee, J. and Desai, I. (2003). A comparison of Australian and Singaporean pre-service teachers’ attitudes and concerns about inclusive education. Teaching and Learning, 24(2), 207-217.
28. Ee, J. and Atputhasamy, L. (2002). Differences in teacher feedback for HA and LD students. Teaching and Learning, 23(1), 1-12.
29. Ee, J. and Wong, K. Y. (2002). Understanding and overcoming pupils learning difficulties in mathematics. Teaching & Learning, 23(1), 49-58.
30. Ee, J., Moore, P. and Atputhasamy, L. (2001). The relationship between teachers’ goal orientations and strategy-based instruction and low-achieving students’ goal orientations, self-regulation and achievement. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education and Development. 4(2), 115-134.
31. Ee, J. and Soh K. C. (2000). Perceptions of Singaporean teachers and parents about inclusive educational placements of students with intellectual disabilities. Saudi Journal of Disability and Rehabilitation (SJDR) Special Issue on Rehabilitation in Singapore, 6(4), 272-275.
32. Ee, J. (1999). Diagnosing students with learning difficulties in mathematics. Journal of Mathematics Educators, 4(1), 97-103.
Non-Refereed Articles
1. Ee, J. (2009). Infusing thinking and social-emotional learning through fables. Asso. for Supervision and Curriculum Development (S’pore) Review, 15, 54-57.
2. Foong, P. Y. & Ee, J. (2002). Enhancing the learning of underachievers in mathematics. Asso. for Supervision and Curriculum Development (S'pore) Review, 11(2), 25-35.
3. Ee, J. (1999). Relationship among teachers’ classroom orientations, strategy-based instruction and students’ goal orientations, self-regulated learning and achievement. NIE News, July Issue, no 33, 4-8.
4. Ee, J. (1991). Book review on 'Teach your child' by Low Ming Choo”, Asso. for Supervision and Curriculum Development (S'pore)Review, 1(4), 53.
5. Ee, J. (1991). Eliciting intrinsic motivation”, Asso. for Supervision and Curriculum Development, (S'pore) Review. 2(2), 20-22.
6. Ee, J. (1991). Enhancing ESN children's understanding of addition”, Teaching and Learning, 12(1), 76-82.
1. Ee, J. (2009). Infusing thinking and social-emotional learning through fables. Asso. for Supervision and Curriculum Development (S’pore) Review, 15, 54-57.
2. Foong, P. Y. & Ee, J. (2002). Enhancing the learning of underachievers in mathematics. Asso. for Supervision and Curriculum Development (S'pore) Review, 11(2), 25-35.
3. Ee, J. (1999). Relationship among teachers’ classroom orientations, strategy-based instruction and students’ goal orientations, self-regulated learning and achievement. NIE News, July Issue, no 33, 4-8.
4. Ee, J. (1991). Book review on 'Teach your child' by Low Ming Choo”, Asso. for Supervision and Curriculum Development (S'pore)Review, 1(4), 53.
5. Ee, J. (1991). Eliciting intrinsic motivation”, Asso. for Supervision and Curriculum Development, (S'pore) Review. 2(2), 20-22.
6. Ee, J. (1991). Enhancing ESN children's understanding of addition”, Teaching and Learning, 12(1), 76-82.
Technical Report / Monographs
1. Ee, J. (2013). Equipping secondary students with metacognitive and social emotional competency skills to meet the challenges of the 21st century. Research Report. Singapore: National Institute of Education.
2. Ee, J. and Zhou, M. M. (2012). Empowering metacognition through social emotional learning. Research Report. Singapore: National Institute of Education.
3. Tan, O. S., Wang, C. K. J., Liu, W. C., Koh, C., and Ee, J. (2009, March). Enhancing learning for Normal stream students: Insights into cognitive and motivational processes in project work. Singapore: National Institute of Education.
4. Ee, J. and Tan, O. S. (2006). Examining the Psychological Attributes of Adaptors and Innovators in two cultures: Final Report. Singapore: National Institute of Education.
5. Ee, J. (2005). Report on curriculum framework for children with mild intellectual disabilities. Research Report for NCSS, Singapore.
6. Ee, J., Lee, O. K. and Potter, G. (2004). Teachers’ Understanding and Use of Strategy-Based Instruction and Classroom Goal Orientation for Students’ Self-Regulation: Research Report. Singapore: National Institute of Education.
7. Ee, J. and Soh, K. C. (2003). Compulsory Education for All: Views from parents of children with special needs in Singapore. Research Report for Lee Foundation. Singapore.
8. Tan, D., Naidu, T.U., Yap, J., Ee, J., Lee, B.K., Lee, G. and Tan, D. (2000). Policy paper forAPSN on A
review of policy and curriculum and recommendations for
development - April 2000
submitted to Ministry of
Education, Singapore.
9. Ee, J. (1998). Relationships among teachers' classroom orientations, strategy-based instruction, and students’ goal orientations, self-regulated learning and achievement. Unpub. Phd Thesis, The University of Newcastle, Australia.
10. Ee, J. (1991). Teaching Addition and Subtraction to ESN Children. Unpub. M Ed Dissertation, NUS, S'pore.
1. Ee, J. (2013). Equipping secondary students with metacognitive and social emotional competency skills to meet the challenges of the 21st century. Research Report. Singapore: National Institute of Education.
2. Ee, J. and Zhou, M. M. (2012). Empowering metacognition through social emotional learning. Research Report. Singapore: National Institute of Education.
3. Tan, O. S., Wang, C. K. J., Liu, W. C., Koh, C., and Ee, J. (2009, March). Enhancing learning for Normal stream students: Insights into cognitive and motivational processes in project work. Singapore: National Institute of Education.
4. Ee, J. and Tan, O. S. (2006). Examining the Psychological Attributes of Adaptors and Innovators in two cultures: Final Report. Singapore: National Institute of Education.
5. Ee, J. (2005). Report on curriculum framework for children with mild intellectual disabilities. Research Report for NCSS, Singapore.
6. Ee, J., Lee, O. K. and Potter, G. (2004). Teachers’ Understanding and Use of Strategy-Based Instruction and Classroom Goal Orientation for Students’ Self-Regulation: Research Report. Singapore: National Institute of Education.
7. Ee, J. and Soh, K. C. (2003). Compulsory Education for All: Views from parents of children with special needs in Singapore. Research Report for Lee Foundation. Singapore.
8. Tan, D., Naidu, T.U., Yap, J., Ee, J., Lee, B.K., Lee, G. and Tan, D. (2000). Policy paper for
9. Ee, J. (1998). Relationships among teachers' classroom orientations, strategy-based instruction, and students’ goal orientations, self-regulated learning and achievement. Unpub. Phd Thesis, The University of Newcastle, Australia.
10. Ee, J. (1991). Teaching Addition and Subtraction to ESN Children. Unpub. M Ed Dissertation, NUS, S'pore.
1. Ee, J. (2012). Teaching Responsible Decision Making. Undates@MCYC. Oct, 6-8.
2. Ee, J. (2007). Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association International Conference. NIE News, Jan. No. 59, 15.
3. Ee, J. (2006). Educational Research Association of Singapore Conference 2006.NIE News , July, No.
57, 10.
4. Lee, O. K., Ee, J. & Tan, O. S. (2006). Educational research with a calling: 20 years of ERAS. Singapore: Educational Research Association of Singapore.
5. Ee, J. (2005). Educational Research Association of Singapore Conference.NIE News ,
Jan, No. 51, 8.
6. Chan, E. and Ee, J. (2002). On Mission for Him, Harvest Force, Issue 1, 62-63.
7. Ee, J. (2002). Experiencing god along life’s narrowest way. Harvest Force, Issue 1, 64-65.
8. Ee, J., Chan, E., Goh, B. S. and Mok, J. (2002). MMS Education Orientation & Retreat. Harvest Force, Issue 1, 66-67.
9. Ng, L. L., Chung-Yeow, C. A. and Ee, J. (2002). Cambodian teachers learn much in a 2-day workshop, Harvest Force, Issue 1, 21.
10. James, I., Ee, J. & Chan, E. (2001). Don’t look back just move forward: Education seminar in Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand. Harvest Force, Issue 2, 48-50.
11. Ee, J. (2001). MMS education and medical retreat – Defining our role in god’s great commission. Harvest Force, Issue 1, 34.
12. Ee, J. (2000). "I will not leave you nor forsake you", Harvest Force, Bumper Issue, 27-28.
13. Ee, J. (1999). A Way Through The Academic Jungle”, Impact, 23(5), 35.
14. Ee, J. (1999). Celebration of God’s Mission in Cambodia”, Harvest Force, 3rd Issue, 3-5.
15. Ee, J. (1999). Reaching out at Bukit Batok, Uphill & Beyond, Feb., 5.
16. Ee, J. (1999). Opening and dedication of Methodist Church and Methodist School in Cambodia MCS’s contribution to education of Cambodian kids hailed. Methodist Message, 101(8), 1, 12-13.
17. Ee, J. (1998). My Day as a volunteer at MFSC Praise Kids, Uphill and Beyond, Dec., 12.
18. Ee, J. (1991). Abstract on "Teaching addition and subtraction to ESN children" in Chong, T.H. et. al (Eds.), State-of the-Art Review on Mathematics Education in Singapore, April, 1991, 73.
1. Ee, J. (2012). Teaching Responsible Decision Making. Undates@MCYC. Oct, 6-8.
2. Ee, J. (2007). Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association International Conference. NIE News, Jan. No. 59, 15.
3. Ee, J. (2006). Educational Research Association of Singapore Conference 2006.
4. Lee, O. K., Ee, J. & Tan, O. S. (2006). Educational research with a calling: 20 years of ERAS. Singapore: Educational Research Association of Singapore.
5. Ee, J. (2005). Educational Research Association of Singapore Conference.
6. Chan, E. and Ee, J. (2002). On Mission for Him, Harvest Force, Issue 1, 62-63.
7. Ee, J. (2002). Experiencing god along life’s narrowest way. Harvest Force, Issue 1, 64-65.
8. Ee, J., Chan, E., Goh, B. S. and Mok, J. (2002). MMS Education Orientation & Retreat. Harvest Force, Issue 1, 66-67.
9. Ng, L. L., Chung-Yeow, C. A. and Ee, J. (2002). Cambodian teachers learn much in a 2-day workshop, Harvest Force, Issue 1, 21.
10. James, I., Ee, J. & Chan, E. (2001). Don’t look back just move forward: Education seminar in Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand. Harvest Force, Issue 2, 48-50.
11. Ee, J. (2001). MMS education and medical retreat – Defining our role in god’s great commission. Harvest Force, Issue 1, 34.
12. Ee, J. (2000). "I will not leave you nor forsake you", Harvest Force, Bumper Issue, 27-28.
13. Ee, J. (1999). A Way Through The Academic Jungle”, Impact, 23(5), 35.
14. Ee, J. (1999). Celebration of God’s Mission in Cambodia”, Harvest Force, 3rd Issue, 3-5.
15. Ee, J. (1999). Reaching out at Bukit Batok, Uphill & Beyond, Feb., 5.
16. Ee, J. (1999). Opening and dedication of Methodist Church and Methodist School in Cambodia MCS’s contribution to education of Cambodian kids hailed. Methodist Message, 101(8), 1, 12-13.
17. Ee, J. (1998). My Day as a volunteer at MFSC Praise Kids, Uphill and Beyond, Dec., 12.
18. Ee, J. (1991). Abstract on "Teaching addition and subtraction to ESN children" in Chong, T.H. et. al (Eds.), State-of the-Art Review on Mathematics Education in Singapore, April, 1991, 73.
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