Many of my teachers have designed relevant SEL lessons that  I wish to showcase their excellent work.  In this page, i will just place only the website chosen and the higher-order thinking questions that they designed to enhance our children's social-emotional competencies.  I believe these activities will empower  teachers and parents to enhance the social-emotional competencies of those in their care.  I trust that you will find them helpful so that in time you can generate your own social-emotional learning questions.
Graciousness by Aw Siow Hwee and Charles Chang Chin Chiew
Dirty Dishes at a Hawker Centre

Poor Seating Habits at Lectures   

SE Competencies
1.     Write down how you feel after seeing the photographs and videos.
2.     What if your good friend or family member did that? How would you feel about him / her?
3.     Write down a scenario that you have encountered (locally or overseas) such that graciousness in the incident impacted you.
4.     What are the values that make a gracious society? Why?
5.     What are the SEL competencies that are lacking in us as a nation? Why?
Social Awareness
6.     How would you feel if your friends commented that you are ungracious?
7.     What are the implications to Singapore if every citizen is ungracious?
8.     Imagine you are in MRT occupying a seat and you are very tired, would you offer your seat to a pregnant lady or an elderly person? Why?
Relationship Management
9.     What are some of the skills you will need to influence others to be gracious? How do you go about doing it?
10.   How would you respond if everyone reserved seats at the busy hawker centre and you couldn’t find a seat after buying your food.
11.   What do you think are other ungracious behaviours that can improve on?  Explain why it is important to improve on the area  that you mentioned.
12.   How do you think you can play a part in creating a more gracious society?

A Mother’s Concern by Gary Lim
Mom’s Song

SE Competencies
1.      How do you feel after viewing the video?
2.      What did you learn from watching the video?
3.      How well do you communicate with your parents/caregivers?
4.      How well do you think your parents understand you and; how well do you understand them?
Social Awareness
5.      How are the words in the video show a mother’s care?
6.      How does your mother show her care?
7.      What would you do to prevent your mother from repeating her daily instructions?
8.      How well do you respond to your parents’ instructions?
9.      How do you think you can make communication between you and your parents/caregivers better?
10.    If your friend tells you that s/he cannot communicate with his / her parents, what advice would you give?
Responsible Decision-Making
11.    Would you ever tell a white lie so as not to worry your parents? In what situations, would you? Would you not?


Are you as Resilient as Nick Vijici?

SE Competencies


Self – Awareness

What are some qualities of Nick that help him to be resilient?

Do you have some of Nick’s qualities? 

If not, how do you think you can develop them?

Social Awareness

How do you think your friends feel when they achieve poor results or are facing adversity?

Self – Management

How can you cope with your personal obstacles?

Relationship Management

How would you assist your friends who face difficulties in their studies?

Responsible Decision-Making

What responsible steps can you take to improve your resilience to cope with adversities?